
More control & Less cost.

Some advantages:

Hours processed more efficiently and effectively.

With EasySecure Cloud software, we offer one package for your access control, time registration and attendance recording at one or more locations.

No more fraud.

Is an employee leaving? This data is automatically transferred to our software and access is immediately blocked.

No hassle with keys.

The overviews in the software allow you to see at a glance who has access to certain doors. The manager can grant or deny access directly.

Registration is possible with a mobile phone, card, QR, finger, face or access code.

More safety and overview.

Attendance lists are a legal obligation for many organisations. In the event of an emergency, people want to see who is present at the push of a button.

More control and fewer costs.

EasySecure chooses integration and provides the ideal composition. You choose the best solutions that are specifically tailored to your industry and type of organisation.

Integrate with your planning and payroll software or import the data automatically from your HR environment.

Real-time information on hours worked.

Immediate overview of hours worked or employees currently at work.

Why EasySecure at Supermarkets?

Supermarkets have many opening and stocking hours. These hours are often filled by part-time employees. Many employees are students. This results in a high staff turnover rate. This situation applies to the entire retail trade.

Problem at Albert Heijn supermarket in Appingedam

More than 200 employees work here. Keeping track of the hours was a weekly job that took many hours. All lists were processed each week, with the corresponding bottlenecks such as half-readable, half-completed, etc. The division into permanent and temporary employees was an additional intensive job.

Apart from the timekeeping and processing, the key management was also a daily hassle. Especially because of the long days from 7 a.m. to often 11 p.m. In addition to external doors and the doors to various rooms, the control of access to the money counting room is very important.

Multiple locations

By using the EasySecure Cloud software, the head office has insight into access control, time and attendance across all branches. The regional manager has access to the shops in his area, the location manager to his own branch and the HR department can, for example, only see the time registration data.

Solution with biometrics, card readers and mobile applications.

By installing an integrated time, access and attendance system, the above-mentioned problems were tackled in one go. Registration is possible by mobile phone, card, tag, code and/or finger.

Time registration

Instead of filling in a list, the mobile phone, card, code or finger is used to immediately register who signed in at what time. The same action is taken at the start and end of the break and at signing out for the working day. The administration no longer has to ask where the lists are or check whether anything has been forgotten. There are no uncertainties and no possibility of fraud.

It is also possible to divide the time registration over different departments. For example, one clocks in at the 'Cash Register' department. It is now possible to see immediately if the registered times deviate from the planning. Very valuable information!

The time registration is seamlessly integrated with over 50 planning packages such as R&R, PMT, Skednet and many more.

Access Control

The overviews in the software allow you to see at a glance who has access to certain doors. The manager can immediately grant or deny access. The system is not only flexible, but also very quick and easy to use.

Keyless shop

Expand your current access control system and control more doors with your existing access cards and EasySecure software!

The use of wireless lock technology, and digital keys as an alternative to physical keys, has increased dramatically worldwide in recent years. This is not only because physical keys guarantee minimum security. Digital keys are cost-efficient. Moreover, wireless locks now offer the same possibilities that were previously only available via wired doors. And at much lower cost.

Replace your existing door handles and cylinders and take your existing security system to the next level without any additional cabling. It is also possible to link our wireless lockers to your Cloud environment.


Attendance lists are a legal obligation for many organisations. In the event of an emergency, people want to see who is present at the push of a button. The presence overview can be called up directly from any location via PC, tablet or telephone.

In addition to presence, EasySecure can also provide the screens with other information, such as which emergency response team members are present.


EasySecure International chooses integration and provides the ideal composition. You choose the best solutions that are specifically tailored to your type of organisation. The integration possibilities lead to one well-matched solution.

From your HR package, the employee data is sent directly to our application. There is no double input. The registered working hours are forwarded directly to your planning package for further processing and payment.

Benefits at a glance

  • Hours processed more efficiently and effectively
  • No more fraud
  • No hassle with keys
  • More safety and overview
  • More control and less costs
  • Real-time information on hours worked
  • Much less administrative work

In use at

  • Albert Heijn
  • Boni
  • Boon's Markt
  • Coop
  • Edeka
  • Jumbo
  • MCD
  • Mix Markt
  • Plus Supermarkets

How can we help you?