About TimeTrack
Thanks to the integration of EasySecure and TimeTrack, companies have less time and paper chaos and benefit from increased efficiency! Time entries from EasySecure are immediately transferred to TimeTrack's time registration, automatically creating a timesheet.
TimeTrack is worthwhile for companies of all kinds. The intuitive time recording improves everyday work thanks to the simple user interface, promotes transparency with numerous reports and prepares data for companies to evaluate.

TimeTrack does the work for you.
In precise terms, this starts immediately when the time clock is started. As soon as employees log in via the EasySecure hardware, TimeTrack processes the hours worked.
Companies don't have to worry about complying with legal regulations when it comes to time recording. TimeTrack is accessible, reliable, objective and observes correct compliance with break regulations.
Attendances are clearly recorded and can be retrieved as timesheets at any time. Both overtime and minus hours as well as breaks taken can be checked. Companies in the service sector, the construction industry, sales and building services will benefit most from this.
In addition to working time recording, absence management is also a piece of cake in TimeTrack. Employees can request their working hours with just a few clicks, which are then approved or rejected by the admin. Particularly helpful for creating an overview of absences are the absence calendar, the holiday overview and the absence report.

EasySecure & TimeTrack
EasySecure places great value on partnerships with companies that bring added value to customers.
TimeTrack is the ideal partner because their time recording software puts customer requirements first and implements them flexibly.
This is what led to the EasySecure & TimeTrack integration
EasySecure imports employees with employee number, first name, last name, start date and contract end date fully automatically into the EasySecure cloud platform.
All employees using the TimeTrack software are automatically also stored in the EasySecure Cloud platform for access control, time registration and attendance.
Registration tools can be easily integrated into the EasySecure platform in a variety of ways. One can register for (work) time and access roles with a mobile phone, a card, a QR code, a finger and a face. As soon as an employee registers, the data is automatically forwarded to TimeTrack.