Time registration for retail and supermarkets: the advantages

Keeping good, precise and error-free records of hours worked is one of the main concerns for retailers and supermarkets. After all, these sectors often work with part-time or on-call employees. Think, for example, of schoolchildren who earn a little extra money or students who work so that they can do something fun in their spare time. Shops that have their peak activities and turnover at a certain time of year also often use the services of temporary employment agencies or seasonal workers.
At the same time, time recording is a part of shop management that is sometimes cumbersome, unstructured or inefficient. For example, many shops still work with paper timesheets. There are quite a few snags and catches with this. Paper is error-sensitive, while there is also the chance that an employee will sometimes forget to write down an hour. In addition, handwritten notes are often associated with a motley assortment of sometimes indecipherable handwriting.
Correcting errors afterwards and deciphering difficult-to-read handwriting are tasks that require a lot of time, energy and research. Fortunately, keeping track of and registering hours worked can be a lot easier and more efficient. In fact, with EasySecure's software it can even be done error-free and automatically! Read on and find out all about the advantages of modern time registration for the retail and supermarket sector.

The challenges
A large supermarket can easily employ several hundred people. Keeping track of all the hours is a time-consuming task if you are still using paper lists or spreadsheets. In addition, there is often a split between permanent staff and temporary workers, which makes the whole picture even more complex. Without a centralised environment and tool for time registration, it becomes quite a task to accurately keep track of all the hours worked in your company.
An inadequate time registration also complicates payroll administration and the payment of hours worked. Without a good overview of planned and realised hours, it is difficult to set up a proper remuneration system. Moreover, the risk of employees being paid late is growing, as tracing all the hours worked requires a lot of searching and puzzling.
Time registration with EasySecure: easy, professional and modern
EasySecure is a recognised and experienced specialist in the field of time registration. Our innovative systems for time registration work on the basis of the mobile phone, a card, a tag or a code. This means that our approach fits in with a clear trend. Time registration with the mobile phone, for example, has seen a strong rise in recent years. The smartphone is then used as an access card for registration. The big advantage? Because the own phone is the registration device, the maintenance costs fall and the risk of loss is reduced.
Instead of filling in a list on paper or at the computer, you immediately register via mobile phone, card, code or finger who is present at what time. When starting and ending the break and signing out for the day, everyone performs the same action. The administration no longer has to ask where the lists are or check whether anything has been forgotten. There are no uncertainties, and the possibility of fraud also disappears.
It is also perfectly possible to divide the time registration over different departments. Does someone clock out at customer service, for example? Then you can immediately see whether the registered times comply with or deviate from the planning. Very useful information that helps you to keep the overview and to translate the actual hours worked to the monthly salary. With a time registration system from EasySecure you can easily keep track of the hours worked by your employees, while respecting their privacy.
Versatile and expandable
The EasySecure time & attendance solution is suitable for every type of shop. The baker's around the corner, the local supermarket or a sports mega-store: the system is adaptable and can be set up to suit every shop.
In addition, it is perfectly possible to start small and simply and then gradually grow towards a fully automated time registration system with the right control and approval layers at your own pace. All digitally, of course. An ideal option for shops and supermarkets is the ability to clock in at departmental level, so that the right information is always available to the right people.
EasySecure's solution for time registration also forms an all-in-one package with our systems for attendance registration, access control and visitor management. All these solutions can be easily and safely integrated with a wide and varied range of HR, payroll and planning packages for the retail and supermarket sector.
Want to know more?
Do you also want to reap the benefits of a customised time registration system? EasySecure will gladly tell you more about the possibilities and thinks along proactively about the perfect solution for your shop. Want to know more? Please feel free to contact us by calling +31(0)85 01500 00 or emailing info@easysecure.com. You can also fill in the contact form on our website. We will gladly provide you with expert advice.